You may already know that standing out in a crowd full of brands on the internet is a challenge, right? There are millions of brands that want to make an impact in the digital world through content creation, but they don’t know how, so they end up sharing the same content as everyone does. After all, it is easier to copy content from others than to create our own.
And I get it, I do. It is easier, it does not require too much time and you already know the procedure (so you don’t have to create it on your own). They had an amazing outcome and you want it as well.
But working like this may be unsettling as you may end up losing your identity by being just like everyone else. It is not necessarily a bad thing but you won’t stand out this way.
Today, I’m here to decrease all your challenges when it comes to starting your content creation process. Let’s uncover them all together:
1. Know to whom you are talking to
How is your audience? How do they live? How do they search for information? What are their needs and pains?
Understanding your audience’s behaviour will help you find the right content to deliver them. This will not only help you find more ideas but also your followers will feel like you care, fostering deeper engagement.
There are many ways to find out what they are looking for. My favorite is to ask them – everyone loves to be part of something. Wouldn’t you feel special if one of the brands you follow at the moment asked you what’s your favourite product or what is your process when it comes to making a purchase? I would, certainly.

2. Define your goals
“Define your goals – that’s just like everyone else says, blah blah” Yes, I know. But they are important for you to find a purpose. (Some things become clichés precisely because they carry truth, you know).
You can only start a productive journey when you have a goal, when you have somewhere you need to go to. So, find your goal.

3. Gather all the information you can about everything and everyone you know until something new pops out
This one is my golden rule. I just love to talk about everything with other people. It helps me to discover unknown paths for my goals – they don’t necessarily need to be shortcuts but ways to find my content creation’s journey even more beautiful. Not doing like everyone does helps my creative journey and I love it.
We have an Instagram post about this: Creativity involves squeezing together two or more things from different fields that don’t seem to belong with one another until something new pops out.
4. Be authentic
Show how your brand works, your values, your advantages but also your insecurities – be you, even if you are boring.
You are flawed and you try to be better every day and so does your brand – just like the rest of us. Which makes your brand relatable. And people tend to like things that are like them.
5. Organise and plan
Even if you’re not an organization queen, ORGANISE AND PLAN. Gather all your content ideas, all your websites, and blog articles that you find interesting in one place – your inspiration box. The planning step will be much easier after.
After building your inspiration box, you have everything to start: your destination (the outcome) and all the information you need to get started (the starting point).
It’s time for you to work on the middle step of your content creation journey: develop a strategy and plan it.

Your accomplishments will not emerge as fast as you wished for and you may end up losing some audience, but you will be following a path according to your goals and values. You’ll even find an audience that likes your brand and that is willing to invest in it. But, for this to happen, you have to be consistent.
These suggestions were tested by me and I work on all of them every day. Feel free to steal them and adapt them to your process.
Start now and you will be seeing your outcome coming to the surface. Remember: it’s one day or day one.